Author: Gail Schneider

Vespers Coming Up on September 30, 2023

We return to our “Outdoor Garden of Praise” for one last outdoor service in 2023 on Saturday, September 30 at 6:30pm. We’ll have a special service and “camp songs.” Stay afterwards for hot dogs and s’mores.

Return to regular schedule – September 10 at 10am

Don’t forget we’re back inside starting September 10! Our bell choir will play once a month now.

Pet Blessing August 13

While pets are welcome to all our outdoor worship services, they can also receive a blessing on Sunday, August 13 at 9 a.m. On that day, your pet will receive a one-on-one blessing from Pastor Rich Brandon. If you prefer, you can also bring a photo of your pet for blessing.

Easter Sunrise Service

Join us at 6:30 am CT for a special service on April 9. The top of this hill is a great place to see the sunrise and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation!

Maundy Thursday Service

Join us on April 6 at 7pm CT as we commemorate the Last Supper when Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples, the night before he was crucified. We will celebrate Communion at a table of twelve and there will be a Tenebrae service.

Christmas Season Worship Services

Join us in preparing for the Christ Child. The first Sunday of Advent is November 27. Our Christmas Program will be during our December 11 morning worship service. On Christmas Eve, join us at 7pm for our candlelight service.